5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Rectangular Yoga Bolsters

Yoga for beginners can be challenging. Since it’s an activity that requires flexibility, you might need external support to help you adjust and perform various yoga poses as a beginner. One tool you can use to assist and help you is the rectangular yoga bolster. 

Yoga bolsters are designed to help you get the right position and body stance for a particular pose. Yoga requires you to hold a position for a few minutes. If you find that hard to do, then purchasing a rectangular yoga bolster might be a good idea. Most beginners need the help of a yoga bolster to perform various poses with ease and smoothly. 

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What is a Yoga Bolster?

If you want to get the full benefits of a yoga session, you might need the aid of a yoga bolster. It is a specially designed pillow that’s firm enough to help you hold on to specific yoga positions. Yoga bolsters allow you to perform yoga better and more comfortably. It serves as padding so that you can swiftly transition from one pose to another. 

 The two types of yoga bolsters are round and rectangular. Rectangular bolsters are generally more supportive and frequently utilized by those who need back support, especially for extended periods. Depending on what support or position you need to do, these bolsters can help you achieve different yoga positions.

Benefits of a Rectangular Yoga Bolster:

Yoga bolsters are made, especially for yogis who need support in performing different poses. That said, here are 5 reasons why you should buy rectangular yoga bolsters.

1. Complete Back Support:

A rectangular yoga bolster has a broader surface for adequate and complete back support. These yoga bolsters if designed for restorative poses and other challenging poses like a shoulder stand. Rectangular bolsters are also more stable and secure. Unlike around one, they do not roll over when used. Its wide surface also reinforces your spine’s natural curve for better breathing and stimulation of the nervous system.

2. More Stable:

For yoga poses that require stability, a rectangular yoga bolster is your best choice. Given its lower height and flat, wide surface, it can help with poses like Sarvangasana. For new yogis, if you intend to learn a shoulder stand and stay in that position for as long as possible, a rectangular yoga bolster can support you. 

3. Great For Beginners:

Since rectangular yoga bolsters are generally lower than round ones, it can help you with basic supine poses that do not need more stretching. It also reduces body strain when practicing yoga. Once you’re ready for higher and more complex poses, you can transition to a round bolster until you become flexible enough not to need one. 

4. Safer For Pregnant Women:

Yoga helps people improve not only the physical but the mental aspect as well. It is preferred by many due to its various benefits. It’s also quite versatile since even pregnant women can perform it. However, since they tend to be more limited in terms of positions, the complete and flat surface of a rectangular yoga bolster makes it generally safer, especially for pregnant yogis. It supports the entire back and can also raise the hips in some sitting yoga poses. They also serve as a durable cushion for the back, which is essential for pregnant women.

5. It Provides A Deeper Stretch And Relaxation:

Using a bolster to aid in yoga practice can help you achieve a deeper stretch, leading to better focus and relaxation. Novice yogis might not be as flexible as those who have practiced the craft for a longer time. However, if you want to experience the same level of relaxation, opt for a rectangular bolster. It also improves blood circulation, giving you energy and muscle and nerve support.


If you plan to venture to yoga as a form of exercise and meditation, consider purchasing a rectangular yoga bolster. It is an essential tool to help you adjust to different yoga stretches. It gives you the support you need to perform correct positions to get the full benefit of yoga. 

Yoga bolsters vary in type and sizes. Each one is specifically made to support different parts of your body as you practice yoga. They are made to lessen the strain as you transition to different poses at different levels. Mostly utilized for restorative yoga, they are made comfortable and supportive to help your body adjust as your poses become more challenging. 

Most novice yogis depend on different yoga accessories for better and more stable poses. In the long run, when you are more robust and more flexible, you can get rid of them one by one to push your practice to the next level.  

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