5 Ways To Use The Best Hot Yoga Mats In India

Hot yoga is one of the most popular exercises nowadays. It has various benefits as regular yoga: improved strength, stress reduction, and flexibility. However, since this exercise is being performed in a heated room, it provides a more intense workout to your muscle, heart, and lungs. If you are into hot yoga, you need to invest in the best hot yoga mats. A hot yoga mat is a tool used by yoga practitioners to help them make their routine smoothly delivered, and it also keeps them safe.

How To Choose The Best Hot Yoga Mats?

If you want the best hot yoga mats, you need to consider the following:


Your activity will tell you how thick your hot yoga mat should be. It would help if you considered these facts: 1/16-inch thick carpet will give you a strong bond with the floor, thereby giving you balance postures; a ¼-inch thick mat provides excellent support for your back. On the other hand, if you have a medium build, you can go for a standard yoga mat, which measures 3.3mm or 1/8 inch thick.


Most yoga mats are made from rubber material or vinyl. Vinyl mats usually last longer. Rubber yoga mats are less spongy but are environmentally friendly. Choosing the one that will make you feel comfortable is the best factor you should consider when buying a yoga mat.


Since you are into hot yoga, you expect that you will sweat a lot. Choose a less slippery material or a yoga mat with moisture control to ensure that you will be safe throughout your yoga.

How Much Should You Spend On The Yoga Mat?

The best hot yoga mats range from fifty to one hundred US dollars. Some mats have higher prices and come with guarantees from the manufacturers. It is better to choose a product that offers a guarantee since manufacturers that provide such perks make good quality products.

The price sometimes does not guarantee the quality of the item. You need to check or research online if the price is equal to the service that it can provide.

Purchase now – Yoga Mat

How To Clean Hot Yoga Mats?

After you use your hot yoga mats several times, your yoga mat’s stickiness may decrease as the oils from your body or the lotions you used from your skin have transferred onto the mat. In that case, instead of replacing your hot yoga mats, you can clean or wash it to bring back the stickiness. These are the steps on how you can clean your hot yoga mats. There are many Best Yoga Mat cleaners for Hot Yoga available in the market.

Step 1: Add warm water and put a few drops of dish soap into the spray bottle.

Step 2: Spray your hot yoga mat with the solution and then scrub it using a microfiber cloth. Take note to not be too vigorous in scrubbing to keep the natural sticky nature of your hot yoga mat. Make sure to spray the solution and scrub both sides of the mat.

Step 3: Rinse off the hot yoga mat using warm water. Allow it to air dry before you store it.

Important reminder: If you want to wash your yoga mat in the washing machine, make sure to contact the yoga mat’s manufacturer and ask if it is safe to wash it in the washing machine. Some types and brands of yoga mats are not safe to wash using a washing machine. You should also use an environmentally friendly detergent to protect your mats from harmful chemicals.

Do You Need To Spend A Lot On A Yoga Mat? 

Some say that it is worth buying a more expensive yoga mat. Here are some of the reasons.

1. You Will Save Money:

Usually, expensive mats are durable because they are made from high-quality materials; whereas, the less costly mats are made from low-quality materials and are expected not to last long. If you choose to buy an expensive yoga mat, you will not buy a new one for a longer period, saving you money.

2. You Are Helping The Environment:

Since you do not need to buy one every time, you are helping the planet by not adding a yoga mat in the garbage.

3. The Feel:

You will feel more comfortable in a thicker, more durable yoga mat. You will be safer too.

4. It Will Feel Motivated:

You will feel the need to regularly attend your yoga class because it will inspire you to practice your routine more.

5. Health is Wealth:

Safety should be your number one priority when choosing a yoga mat. To ensure that you will be safe every time, you should invest in one of the best hot yoga mats.


A hot yoga mat is your best buddy during your hot yoga class. In this regard, you need to invest in one of the best hot yoga mats. Before getting a hot yoga mat, be sure to review all the customers’ comments to get as much information as you need about the mat. You may also ask some persons from your yoga class to get first-hand information on the mat that they are using.

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