Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

SystemIt is the heart of the computer system.It is the heart of an embedded system.
ContainsIt contains CPU, general purpose registers, stack pointers, program counters, clock timing and interrupt circuits.It contains the circuitry of a microprocessor and has built-in ROM, RAM, I/O devices, timers, and counters.
Data memoryIt has many instructions to move data between memory and CPU.It has one or two instructions to move data between memory and CPU.
CircuitIt is large.It is small.
CostThe cost of the entire system increases.The cost of the entire system is low.
Bit instructionsIt has one or two-bit handling instructions.It has many bit handling instructions.
Register numbersIt has less number of registers; hence the operations are memory-based.It has a larger number of registers; hence the programs are easier to write.
StorageIt is based on Von Neumann architecture, where the program and data are stored in the same memory module.It is based on the Harvard architecture, where the program memory and data memory are stored in separate modules.
TimeAccess time for memory and I/O devices is more.Less access time for built-in memory and I/O devices.
HardwareIt requires more hardware.It requires less hardware.

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