What Does Gastric Juice Contain In Your Stomach?

What is Gastric Juice?

Gastric juice is a thin, strong acid, and almost a colorless liquid. The glands of the stomach lining secrete it. Gastric juices help in food digestion and smoothening of food. When we take food, it’s in the form of a semi-solid substance until it reaches the digestive tract. In such a case, the food is known to be ‘bolus.’ Through the peristaltic movement, the bolus reaches the stomach. For instance, Hence, there the churning of food takes place.

Working of Gastric Juice:

Gastric juices help the menu to get smoothened and more comfortable to digest. Gastric secretion stimulates by several hormones and chemical substances, by the presence of food in the stomach. It is also stimulated by several psychological factors, such as the smell of a favorite food. The pH of gastric juice (HCl) helps to make the food thinner than before. These juices secreted by the glands of the lining of the stomach mix up with the food. Hence, this juice also helps to lubricate it to move freely for further digestion process.

Also, the Enzymes that are present are secreted upon the action of the glands, which allow the breakdown of food into complementary substances. The ph that is maintained by the gastric juice is 1.5 – 3.5 in the human stomach, lumen.

What do Gastric Juices Contain?


Pepsin, also known as peptic acid contains peptides (the simpler molecules of proteins). It again converts proteins into simpler molecules, more easily absorbed substances. It is accompanied by hydrochloric acid, which provides an acidic environment. Thus, this environment refers to which pepsin is most effective. 


Rennin aids the digestion of milk proteins. It also fastens the metabolism of food by the process of making the food frictionless on the surfaces of the stomach by lubricating it.


The gastric glands secrete mucus, a thin layer, and a component of the gastric juice. This helps to protect the stomach lining from the action of gastric juice.


HCl helps the food to neutralize the pH of the acid. Thus, it reduces the effect of food on the glands and also the surface of the stomach. Yet, the mucus plays a vital role, but the HCl protects the slime itself by neutralizing the food.

Uses Of Gastric Juice.

  1. Fastens the processing of the food with the help of pH it has.
  2. Neutralizes the environment of the stomach and makes the food as well as the acid harmless to each other.
  3. Thus, by making the food into smaller and simpler particles, makes it easier for the body to extract most of the proteins and vitamin particulates and deliver the waste material further.
  4. Its help doesn’t just end here, when the acidic medium is maintained in the stomach, most of the bacteria get killed. As a result, we are free from many kinds of diseases.

Side effects of Gastric Juice.

  1. Long-time secretion of gastric juices may result in acidity in the stomach.
  2. It may also damage the stomach environment and even influence the irregular secretions of acids in the stomach.
  3. Also, when the consumption of diet is low or nil, the gas gets secreted. It might become a burning sensation in your stomach.


These gastric juices are more efficient for the digestion of food. It though harmful to the stomach, and it’s the environment; only in the cases of excess secretion. This kind of excess flow is one of the significant side effects.  For gastric juice to be neutral in secretion, one should take care of their diet.

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